The article examines the study of the concept of "information competence", within the scope of the study we consider it appropriate to consider the definitions of "competence" and "competence", as well as the essence of the original concept of "information". In view of this, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the concepts of "competence", "competence", from which this term originates, as well as distinguish the definitions that are most often used by modern researchers, namely: "information competence", "information literacy", "information culture", etc., and then taking into account the newly emerging requirements for the professional training of educators in this field. The National Educational Glossary states that "the concept of competence / competences should be distinguished from competence / competences as the acquired realization abilities of a person" (Lunyachek, 2018: 50). The analysis of the concepts "competence" and "competence" indicates all their complexity and multifacetedness, therefore we consider it appropriate to conduct an analysis of both concepts.
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