Keywords: civil servants, public authorities, public administration reform, professional competence, team-building approach, socio-psychological readiness.


The transformational processes that are taking place in public administration today require new approaches to the public administration process. One of these approaches is the principle of team building in the organisation of managerial and professional activities of civil servants. According to the authors, there is a need to introduce a team-building approach to the functioning of competitive management teams in public authorities. This is due to the complexity of the tasks currently faced by civil servants under martial law in Ukraine and the prospects of transformational changes in public administration in the post-war period, as well as in the context of Ukraine's integration processes into the European community. Such challenges in organising the managerial activities of civil servants need to combine the intellectual and volitional efforts of the authorities to dynamically address various managerial tasks, which cannot be realised without the establishment of target (project) groups; high competition between different authorities requiring them to provide clint-oriented administrative services, increasing the competitiveness of civil servants and the authorities themselves. The article aims to reveal the possibilities of applying the team approach in the managerial activity of public authorities based on a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature and to propose directions for improving the professional activity of civil servants based on team management and virtue. To solve the tasks the authors used theoretical and empirical methods: analysis of the problem based on scientific literature and literature; results of testing, survey of civil servants, content analysis; method of mathematical statistics; GET TEST methodology – to determine the characteristics of competitiveness of management team of civil servants in public authorities. The article justifies practical recommendations to authorities on the application of effective management in public authorities based on team management (team building) and virtue.


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How to Cite
Korchak, N., Larina, N., & Yashutin, I. (2022). TEAM MANAGEMENT IN THE CIVIL SERVICE IN THE PRESENT-DAY CHALLENGES AND THREATS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 54(5), 129-142.