The article deals with the feasibility of implementing information and communication technologies in the process of foreign language teaching. The specifics of their use in order to improve the quality of foreign language teaching have been revealed. The role of information-communication technologies in providing a student-centred approach have been described. The prospects for implementing digital learning and the possibilities of cross-border initiatives within the Bologna Process and the Erasmus+ programme have been analysed. Particular attention has been paid to the role of information-communication technologies in internationalisation of student youth and scientific-pedagogical staff at the global level, the development of partnerships with leading institutions of the world, which improves the quality of education, teaching and research. The development of educational partnerships as a key element of the European strategy of cooperation with other regions of the world has been considered. It has been found out that the wide availability of high-quality educational resources, the ability to adapt these materials to specific conditions cause significant qualitative changes at different levels of education in many countries. The European experience in the development of e-learning strategies, the structure of pedagogical training and institutional support, as well as the possibility of integrating it into the national system of foreign language teachers’ advanced training have been researched.
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