The article is devoted to a foreign language teacher’s professional competence in forming future agrarian’s creative thinking. It reveals the essence and the structure of future agrarians’ creative thinking as an integrative unity of cognitive processes and individual intellectual skills, which determine flexibility, originality and productivity of professional task solving, have been elucidated. Its components (motivation-value, cognitive, activity-creative), indicators, levels and pedagogical conditions (development of intrinsic motivation on the basis of a dialogical approach, activation of independent creatively-exploratory educational work by means of problem-oriented teaching, providing creative cooperation among the subjects of a pedagogical process by using methods of interactive teaching), which enable effective forming the creative thinking in the process of professional training, have been defined. The methodology of sequential forming of future agrarians’ creative thinking has been developed. The functionalstructural model of forming future agrarian’s creative thinking has been experimentally verified. The results have been confirmed by statistical changes in the levels of the creative thinking in the experimental group compared to the control one.
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