The article is devoted to the problem of familiarization of preschool children with works of art. It has been established that works of fine art directly influence the formation of the system of values and meanings in preschool children. Modern and previous studies of the aesthetic development of preschoolers are analyzed. The article compares and reveals the concept of aesthetic education and the peculiarities of education. It was found that the problem of aesthetic education in pedagogy has always been given a lot of attention. In terms of pedagogical leadership, pictorial activity becomes invaluable for the versatile development of the child, his mental and cognitive processes: perception, performance and creativity, which are inseparable unity and are integral parts of the productive artistic and creative activity of preschool children. For a full artistic and aesthetic development personality in the period of preschool childhood, it is necessary to create optimal conditions, emotional comfort and fill the child's life with interesting activity content.
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