The article characterizes the mechanism of the secondary marking of verbal derivation, establishes the boundaries of semantically derived units in the nominative-derivative processes of the Old Ukrainian language in the written records of the 14th – 17th centuries. The suffixed word-formation of the verbal nominatives should be considered not only within the limits of semantics, but also in the onomasiological aspect of language and its connections with the structure of consciousness: thinking, mental functions, internalization of reality and feeling of the world, as well as in the mechanism of reflecting referents in the mentality and marking them in language system. Nominative processes determine the mechanism of interaction of reality, thinking and language inherent in a certain ethnic group. The suggested combined approach to research, in particular onomasiological with elements of the field and ideographic, which makes evident the two-vector analysis, from a thought to a word and from a word to a thought, in the research of the word-forming subsystem of the Old Ukrainian language in the linguistic conceptualization of the world, clarify the cognitive-discursive approach in the emergence of new nominative derivatives, which outline the relevance and the perspective of the research.
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