Keywords: higher education institution, teaching process, learning process, research, personality development, culture of society, scientific activity


The article deals with the issue of university education and classical university education. The essence of such concepts as “university education” and “classical university education” has been characterized. There have been analyzed history, essence and content of university education as one of the most important component of higher education. A university is the oldest and most common type of higher education institution. Therefore, it is considered appropriate to analyze the content, peculiarities and trends of higher education development as a whole on the example of university education. The main task of the university is to awaken the desire for science in the youth, to help the graduate transfer scientific ideas to specific fields of knowledge and social practice. A classical university unites three types of generally significant social institutions: science, education and culture. University education is not only a special institution designed for education. It is considered to be an important component of society culture, a complete sociocultural image. There have been used different methods in the study: general scientific (analysis and synthesis), methods of theoretical research, terminological, retrospective logical and systematic analysis, continuous sampling method alongside definition analysis.


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How to Cite
Kugai, K. (2023). UNDERSTANDING THE ESSENCE OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND CLASSICAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 56(1), 126-132. https://doi.org/10.23856/5618