The article deals with the issue of future interpreters’ training. The essence, content and components of the interpreter’s professional competence have been characterized. There has been analyzed communicative competence as one of the main skills for future specialists in the sphere of translation. Communicative competence is an integrated use of language and nonlanguage means of communication. The basis of communicative competence are communicative skills formed through speech skills. Communicative competence also implies the ability to interpret non-verbal forms of communication. Translation as a special type of communicative activity aims at providing the opportunity to communicate and exchange information in a situation of intercultural (bilingual) communication. The process of translation is a kind of language activity, which aims at the most complete reproduction of the content and form of a target text. There have been used different methods in the study: general scientific (analysis and synthesis), methods of theoretical research, descriptive method (classification, cataloguing), continuous sampling method alongside definition analysis.
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