This paper examines the national idea as the basis of the educational policy of Ukraine. The author shows that one of the main factors, which are the basis of Ukrainian education, is the national idea around which this or that society consolidates, and which it recognizes as a reference point for its further development. The author notes that the national ideal is the next important element of the national idea. After all, it is the main spiritual force of progress, organization and purposefulness of efforts, and all the creative energy of the people for the establishment of state independence. The author has determined that progressive components of the Ukrainian national idea can become: the idea of integration and consolidation (both national values with universal ones, and actually Ukrainian national integration and consolidation); the idea of building a civil society, an open society with equal opportunities, and a legal state; the idea of sovereignty, collegiality, and state, political, economic, cultural, spiritual, moral freedom; the idea of democratic transformations; the idea of "positive" development, progressive progress.
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