The article is devoted to discussing the expedience of the foreign applicants’ using the remote learning particularly during the current conditions in Ukraine as well as their consideration concerning to this learning pathway advantages and disadvantages. The students mentioned absent adapted scientific sources on the topics with little text but topical schemes, figures, graphics because of language barriers especially in the ones receiving knowledge in Russian and Ukrainian as well as essentiality to give printed materials while using non-united letters, better all the capital ones. The authors paid the attention also to some proposals of the students and their own on this education improvement. Particularly they mentioned essentiality to take the applicants’ typological belonging into obligatory consideration and proved it on the ethnic typological aspect as well as interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile in the students receiving their education in English and in Russian while distinguishing the real, hidden or forced and unreal left-handed people, necessity not to give tests to the left-handed students or at least not to use them as the main controlling method. The authors propose inclusive education wide usage in the foreign applicants as it has been done by UNO and UNESCO.
2. Fazeli N.M.K., Tkachenko E.V., Savelieva O.V., Khoshnudian K.N., Kolomietz S.V. (2006). Left-handedness as a phenomenon and some aspects of its influence on facial-mandibulary region functioning. Світ медицини та біології, no. 4, pp. 95-98.
3. Kolomietz S.V., Fazeli N.M.K., Tkachenko E.V. (2007). Patients asymmetry individual prophile influence on inflammatory processes and fractures distribution in maxillary-facial region. Svit medytsyny ta biolohii, no. 4, pp. 43-47.
4. Sidash J.V., Tkachenko E.V. (2019). Possibilities and perspectives on human typologies taking into account in dentistry. Wiad Lek, vol. 72, no. 5, cz. II, pp. 1079-1082.
5. Tkachenko E. V., Jha S. K., Forghani Seyed M., Maaref Doost M. (2022). Intracultural and intercultural communication experience and lessons: the positive and the negative. Specialusis Ugdymas /Special Education, vol. 2, no. 43, pp. 173-177.
6. Tkachenko E.V., Jha S.K., Rauth U., Jha G.K., Kumari C. (2022). Interrelations between dominant extremity, temperament type and behavioral strategies in the higher education foreign students from Iran. International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), vol. 7, iss. 8, pp. 602-607.
7. Tkachenko E.V., Sidash J.V. (2019). Control locus and behavioral strategies as neuro-dynamic profile important indices in UMSA foreign students: theoretical significance and applied role. East European Scientific Journal, vol. 5, no. 1(41), pp. 51-57.
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