Keywords: cross-cultural adaptation, acculturation, Pedagogy, Ethnopsychology, foreign students.


The article is devoted to the actual multi-disciplinary problems of intercultural competence, cross-cultural adaptation forming and development in the higher education foreign applicants. The present time is accompanied by vast exchange of the foreign students on one hand and multiple factors affecting their proper adjustment on the other hand in part remote education, stresses, war situation and various diseases of dys-adaptation. It increases the topic studied actuality. The scientists from many countries paid and pay much attention to search the way and mechanisms of the International students’ proper cross-cultural adaptation. Intercultural competence forming and development starts from family. Studying in the educational establishments, cultural peculiarities of the countries the applicants are from, the students’ upbringing and habits in part impact on this competence while it influence on cross-cultural adjustment and its formation is hardened significantly at acculturative stress and shock in the foreign students. We determined acculturative stress and even shock features in our educational establishment foreign students; intercultural competence degree was fluctuated from low to moderate; we analyzed the described competence indices told by the students and proposed our own ways to improve the foreign applicants’ cross-cultural adaptation, intercultural competence as well as to prevent acculturative stress and shock development in them.


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How to Cite
Tkachenko, O., & Zhukova, M. (2022). INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE AS WELL AS ACCULTURATIVE STRESS AND SHOCK IN PSMU INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 54(5), 107-111.