• Liu Xuena
Keywords: neologisms, linguistic means, lexical units, language


Language, like any living organism, continuously evolves, being enriched by various linguistic means. As you know, the most mobile and flexible is the lexical system of the language, which changes dynamically and constantly along with the development of one or another language group, reflecting the changes taking place in society and modern trends. This article is devoted to the lexical metamorphoses of the English language that have taken place in the last few years, and to native speakers themselves. It is worth noting that the field of neology, which attracted the attention of linguists during the first ten years, is now developing as rapidly as the very object of its study – new words. And if at the end of the 20th century researchers estimated the number of new English words in the range of 12,000 per year, but in 2002, this number increased by some estimates to 10,000 new words and word forms per day. The number of neologisms that appear in the language every day of our time is incalculable. Undoubtedly, in their entirety, these words are included in a wide range of usage and are included in dictionaries. Nevertheless, lexicographers try to record all the new lexical units that appear, which makes it possible to draw a more complete picture of modern trends in the development of the language and the society that speaks it. A large number of works and studies are dedicated to the study and analysis of neologisms, which consider new words from different sides and aspects. The very specificity of the object being studied is such that the topic does not exhaust itself, and research works continue to remain relevant, supplementing and clarifying the analyzed phenomenon. So, in the most general sense, neologisms in the lexicon are words or meanings of existing words that appeared in the language relatively recently.


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How to Cite
Xuena, L. (2023). VARIATION OF CYBER NEOLOGISMS IN ENGLISH. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 57(2), 50-54.