• Oksana Shelever
  • Lyubov Kibenko
Keywords: blended learning, martial law, surveys, educational process, students, learning risk


In the article, the authors describe the introduction of blended learning into the educational process in Ukraine during martial law. The authors define the concept of "blended learning"; it is noted that in the process of blended learning, students spend part of their time in traditional classes with a teacher, and part of their time completing assignments online or at other times and remotely. The main risks that arise in the process of blended learning in higher education institutions in Ukraine are indicated. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted among students of higher education institutions located in different regions of Ukraine – at the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications and Uzhhorod National University. The survey found that students of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications experienced problems with the Internet; had limited access to computers, tablets, smartphones and problems with the organization of learning in the process of blended learning. It is worth noting that this university was in a zone of constant anxiety and shelling by the Russian Federation. In turn, the students of Uzhhorod National University rated the educational process in the process of blended learning higher; relative problems were noted in the organization of learning, but according to the authors, this is not surprising, because blended learning requires students to be more independent and responsible for their learning, which is especially problematic during the war due to reduced motivation to learn, stress and reduced activity in learning.


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How to Cite
Shelever, O., & Kibenko, L. (2023). BLENDED LEARNING: A NECESSITY OR A PROSPECT DURING MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 57(2), 100-105.