Keywords: higher education institutions, war in Ukraine, educational process, challenges, students, modernization


The article examines current problems and vectors for development of higher education in Ukraine under martial law. It is noted that the impact of the war on the educational process has significant consequences: the transition to distance and blended learning, the departure of students and teachers abroad, the destruction of educational institutions at all levels; mobilisation of students and teachers, reduction in funding, resettlement and evacuation of the population. Based on this analysis, the strategic vectors of development are discussed, including measures to ensure access to education for all segments of the population, support for internally displaced persons, modernisation of programmes and teaching methods, improving the security of the educational space and attracting international support; integration into the European and global space, taking into account national interests; harmonisation of the Ukrainian higher education system with European standards and practices; improvement of the education management system and ensuring the autonomy of higher education institutions; and ensuring the safety of the population. The study shows that the war not only poses challenges to the higher education system, but also opens up new opportunities for its reform and development in response to current challenges.


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How to Cite
Kibenko, L., & Popadych, O. (2024). HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE DURING THE WAR: VECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 47-53. https://doi.org/10.23856/6206