• Vitaliy Barvinenko
Keywords: local self-government, municipal administration, territorial collective, values of local self-government in Ukraine, municipal axiology


The aim of the article is to analyze the terminological diversity of how Ukrainian researchers name the principles related to local self-government ("principles of local self-government", "principles of municipalism", etc.), as well as to develop proposals for ordering and systematizing these concepts. The author starts with the thesis, that in Ukrainian legal literature, since the declaration of independence, considerable attention has been paid to the development of local self-government. Such developments are relevant even today – because the municipal reform is ongoing, which slowed down only during the period of martial law. The author concludes, that in the Ukrainian legal literature, there is a lack of monographic studies of the principles of local self-government, carried out in recent years. Despite the high scientific and practical relevance, such studies would contribute to terminological unification in the field of municipal axiology – for example, the works of Ukrainian authors refer to "principles of local self-government", "constitutional principles of local self-government", "principles of municipalism", "principles of modern of Ukrainian municipalism", others. Terminological unification will contribute to the improvement of the quality of both Ukrainian municipal legislation and the intensification of municipal legal research.


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How to Cite
Barvinenko, V. (2023). PRINCIPLES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: TERMINOLOGICAL ISSUES (PART ONE). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 57(2), 124-130.