Keywords: local self-government, municipal administration, territorial collective, values of local self-government in Ukraine, principles of local self-government, Council of Europe, municipal axiology.


The European Charter of Local Self-Government 1985 provides for a number of principles of local self-government that are important for compliance in Ukraine. Some of these principles are already included in national legislation, and they are declared principles of local self-government in Ukraine. Some are not yet. Mostly the scientists, that are specialists in the Ukrainian municipal law, do not write about these principles. That is why the author has used only the monographical works of B.V. Kalinovsky and S.V. Malikov. The author gives the overview of S.V. Malikov’s researches of the topic, and concludes: although the European Charter of Local Self-Government 1985 itself was studied by S.V. Malikov in more detail than the vast majority of Ukrainian authors – specialists in municipal law, precisely the principles of local self-government enshrined in it, he paid only relatively little attention. The author gives the overview of B.V. Kalinovsky’s researches of the topic, and concludes: he has correctly interpreted at least one of the principles of local self-government from the provisions of each of the articles of the first section of the European Charter of Local Self-Government 1985; the author counts 13 principles in total. Among these principles, 11 have been named; sometimes suggested B.V. Kalinovsky title of the principle is debatable, especially taking into account the provisions of the municipal legislation of Ukraine.


1. Kalinovsky, B.V. (2004). Konstytutsiyni pryntsypy mistsevoho samovryaduvannya v Ukrayini [Constitutional principles of local self-government in Ukraine: Dissertation, Candidate of Legal Sciences]. K., 222 p. [in Ukrainian].
2. Malikov, S.V. (2012). Pryntsypy mistsevoho samovryaduvannya v Ukrayini [Principles of local self-government in Ukraine: Dissertation of Candidate of Legal Sciences]. Mariupol, 222 p. [in Ukrainian].
3. Mishyna, N. (2022). Formuvannya byudzhetiv munitsypalʹnykh orhaniv (na materialakh krayin – chleniv Rady Yevropy) [Formation of budgets of municipal bodies (based on the materials of the member countries of the Council of Europe)]. Legal Bulletin, 3, 154–160. [in Ukrainian].
4. Mishyna, N. (2021). Administratyvno-pravovi problemy derzhavnoho kontrolyu [Administrative and legal problems of state control]. Scientific works of the National University "Odesa Law Academy", Odesa, 28, 160–165. [in Ukrainian].
5. Qaracayev, C. (2022). Axiological Function оf The Constitutional Court оf The Republic оf Azerbaijan. Juris Europensis Scientia, 3, 135-138.
6. Qaracayev, C. (2022). Local Self-government in the Republic of Azerbaijan: Problems of the Administrative Supervision. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Ser.: Jurisprudence, 57, 24–27.

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How to Cite
Barvinenko, V. (2023). PRINCIPLES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: TERMINOLOGICAL ISSUES (PART TWO). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 228-234.