The article deals with the problem of legal meaning-making which is quite important, as the development of law is generally carried out through the creation of legal meanings by the subjects of law. Law must be meaningful, reasonable and has some sense. Legal existence is the real embodied and existing perfectly legal meanings. Emphasis is placed on the danger of large-scale de-legalization of public relations in modern Ukraine, which is manifested in numerous violations of the current Constitution of Ukraine by government officials, human rights violations that have become widespread, very significant politicization of the judiciary, including the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, violations of legal standards by various branches of government. On the way to a democratic state governed by the rule of law, the law itself, forms and ways of its manifestation, in contrast to arbitrariness, must increase in the country, not decrease. The semantic right of creation should be intensified, not narrowed. It is emphasized that the implementation of the rule of law is the basic basis for legal meaning. Concern for the law is a concern for the development of its meanings, their assertion and protection must be a common cause of each and everyone. It is on the basis of the rule of law that real Ukrainian European integration is possible.
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