The article highlights the problem of “neo-Orwellism” as a new form of dictatorship of state power over man. It is emphasized that neo-Orwellism is a system of methods, ways, means, etc., which are used by modern totalitarian power to subjugate a person and dominate him. Especially dangerous for the democratic world is Putinism, which has carried out largescale aggression against sovereign Ukraine, which has chosen a democratic path of development, and which now threatens aggression against the Baltic states, other sovereign EU states, Moldova, Georgia, etc. It is argued that Putinism, as a regime repressive against a person and a people, has its origins in the historical past of Russia, the imperial essence of which has been preserved to this day. It is emphasized that Putinists violate all international norms and principles, use especially cruel methods and ways to subjugate people: from fear and mass murder to nuclear blackmail. The Moscow Nazis are especially successful in using information bombing, myth-making, ignorance as a tool of subjugation, double thinking, language, etc. It is found that neo-Orwellism in the form of Putinism has spread very intensively in European countries and the United States. In these countries, a significant part of the population lives with private interest, indifferent to the fate of democracy and its values, partly unable to deeply understand modern international and domestic problems, therefore they are a good basis for the spread of neo-Orwellism.
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