The proposed study examines the complex and multifaceted communication process, as well as the role of the media in shaping public perception, values, and beliefs. Recognizing the power and responsibility of the mass media for percepting the environment, emphasizing the importance of media literacy and critical thinking of information consumers, we propose to comprehend the key functional of specialists who dramatically influence the media landscape development, agenda molding, as well as “information bubbles” creating that can be as favorable for the further development of the society, as inhibiting it. In our opinion guidekeepers, spin-doctors and news-ombudsmen play the key roles among communication specialists. They influence not only the control and filters of the content broadcast, but also the formation of moral principles of media workers in general and the creation of professional ethical codes. Considering, that modern media platforms serve as the means of spreading social, political, cultural ideas, as well as public discourse of various orientations, it is worth actualizing functions of the media (both individual representatives and platforms in general) such as: conscious design and dissemination of information; management of public perception in order to prevent political and economic crises; ensuring honesty, accountability and transparency between the public and representatives of the media community. Particularly these functions the mentioned media persons are able to provide, as despite the different contextual bases, they all play an important role in the process, management and development of ethical principles of communication.
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