The article is devoted to the development of the national cultural identity by means of molding and sharing the content, which contains the value orientations to enhance understanding by different social groups, namely the youth, their affiliation to a certain ethnical group with its specific mentality, moral norms, ethical principles and public position. In this paper, we applied Source Studies method, analysis of scientific literature, sociological and statistical studies as well as systematization practical experience of molding valuable content in interactive media. The paper explores approaches to understanding and classifying values as such, as well as possibilities of incorporating them in the content of the most popular forms, to be shared through the most relevant channels with active audience. Consequently, it is suggested to consider valuable content as a method of molding media culture, simultaneously taking into account both the internal and external factors of globalization processes, that also affect not only the formation of media culture but also the dynamics of socio-cultural changes and national landmarks. As well, we attract attention to inherent nature of audio-visual content, which through moving and sound images not only reaches considerable audience but also molds valuable principles to serve in favor of the development of identity of a certain society. Evidently, one of the information broadcasting tools full of value orientations is social networks, particularly, TikTok, which for the continuous growth of its audience is acknowledged both by statistics and perspective young audience, that is advisable to be influenced softly and with suggestive strengthening values of Ukrainianness.
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