Teaching English to adults presents a unique and captivating challenge distinct from instructing children or teenagers. Adults bring diverse backgrounds, motivations, and learning styles to language acquisition, making it essential for educators to adapt their approaches. Motivation is a key factor in adult learning, with adults often choosing to learn English for specific reasons such as career advancement or travel. While many adults urgently need English for international communication, they may face challenges due to prior unsuccessful learning experiences. The concept of "andragogy" emphasizes the practical orientation of adult learning, independent work, and the student's leading role in achieving specific goals. Notable psychologists like Carl Rogers stress the importance of relevance, preserving identity, involving the whole person, and encouraging self-criticism in successful adult learning. Ukrainian psychologists and scientists, including O. Tarnopolsky, M. Kushnirov, O. Palii, and T. Besarab, have explored the peculiarities of teaching English to adults. They highlight variations in language proficiency, goals, and learning styles among adult learners, advocating for individualization of training to cater to diverse needs. The time constraints of adults necessitate flexible schedules and the option for online learning. Practical language usage in real situations is crucial for effective learning.
2. Kapp A. (1833) Die andragogik ober bildung im mannlichen alter. Platons Erziehungslehre, als Padagogik fur die Einzelnen und als Staatspadagogik. Germany: Minden und Leipzig.
3. Knowles M. (1975) The Modern Practice of Adult Education. From Pedagogy to Andragogy. Chicago: The Adult Education Company, 62 p.
4. Kushnirov M. O. (2014) Suchasni pidkhody do navchannia inozemnoi movy: oriientatsiia na tsinnosti osobystisnoho rozvytku y humanizmu. Pedahohichni nauky: teoriia, istoriia, innovatsiini tekhnolohii. [Modern approaches to teaching a foreign language: orientation towards the values of personal development and humanism. Pedagogical sciences Theory, history, innovative technologies]. no. 8, pp. 348-356. [In Ukrainian].
4. Palii O. A. (2014) Pro pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti navchannia druhoi inozemnoi movy v ZNZ. Naukovi zapysky Nizhynskoho derzhavnoho universytetu im. Mykoly Hoholia. [On increasing the effectiveness of teaching a second foreign language in the OUZ. Scientific papers of Nezhinsky State University named after Nikolai Gogol]. no. 1, pp. 120–124. [In Ukrainian].
5. Rogers C.R. (1969) Freedom to learn : a View of What Education Might Become. Columbus, Ohio: C.E. Merrill Pub. Co., 358 p.
6. Tarnopolskij O.B. (2006) Metodika navchannya inshomovnoyi movlennyevoyi diyalnosti u vishomu navchalnomu zakladi osviti: navchalnij posibnik [Methods of teaching foreign language speech activity in a higher educational institution: tutorial]. Kyiv, 248 s. [In Ukrainian].
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