In today's conditions, the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle among students is particularly relevant. The article analyses the causes, consequences and ways to overcome the problem of healthy lifestyles among young people. The reasons that have a negative impact on the health of young people include a lack of physical activity, bad habits, unhealthy diet, chronic stress, depression or anxiety, lack of sufficient awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. It is emphasised that the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among students is an important strategic task of higher education institutions, which can be successfully solved in various forms of physical improvement. It is noted that physical education is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle and its proper formation, as it motivates people to strive to live actively, move, do good deeds and be active members of a healthy society. It is important to inform young people about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of unhealthy habits. Healthy lifestyle education should be systematic. It is stated that the formation of a healthy lifestyle should be carried out at three levels: social (information and educational work); infrastructure (specific conditions in the main spheres of life, preventive measures, environmental control); personal (system of human values, standardisation of everyday life). The creation and implementation of special programmes and projects will help young people to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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