Keywords: e-government, e-government, e-democracy, netocracy, netocratic management, information society, information and communication technologies


The article discusses the main approaches to defining the concept of «electronic government »; it was found that the integration of public administration into the virtual information space creates favorable preconditions for the formation of effective electronic democracy as a logical continuation of the transformation of socio-political processes in the conditions of the information society, which indicates a netocratic vector of development of public administration. The experience of Estonia regarding the successful testing and implementation of an effective electronic governance system has been studied. The factors that influenced the formation of a high level of electronic government services in Estonia are considered. It is recommended to focus on the Estonian experience in the practical application of e-government with the aim of developing information and digital infrastructures in the management sphere and effective domestic e-government as an integrated platform for the formation of netocratic public administration.


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How to Cite
Storozhenko, L. (2024). “E-GOVERNMENT” AS A PRIORITY COMPONENT OF THE FORMATION OF NETOCRATIC PUBLIC GOVERNANCE: ESTONIAN DEVELOPMENT VECTOR. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 63(2), 199-204. https://doi.org/10.23856/6326