In the work presented for discussion by pedagogical specialists, it was found that in the conditions of the decentralization of the education system in Ukraine and the transfer of a complex of organizational and management functions in the field of educational institutions to local self-government, territorial communities have acquired problems not only in the part of forming the material and technical base of institutions and institutions educational sector, but also in meeting the wishes of local residents to receive high-quality and affordable educational services, which provides for the design, examination, and replication of innovative and progressive teaching tools that would be based on standardized norms of textbook creation and at the same time take into account the existing specificity of the functioning of regional educational institutions with their educational methods, cultural values and local traditions. The above judgments are meaningfully confirmed in the "New Ukrainian School" concept, which presents the following didactic remarks: 1) the free development of students is facilitated by a creative environment in which there is a change in programs or teaching aids, as well as other elements of the subject environment; 2) one-time educational projects over time give priority to the systematic organization of the implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies; 3) traditional means of education should be replaced by a variable school book of a new generation of educational literature. Variability in this context is correctly understood as a characteristic of a set of teaching aids from a certain subject area for a certain age status of students who perform the same educational task, but may differ from each other in certain information or materials that relate to the specific features of one or another region in the content taking into account its socio-cultural customs or traditions.
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