Keywords: competences, formation of competences, foreign language communicative competence, professional engineering education, bilingual learning.


The authors analyze the approaches towards interpreting the notions of “foreign language competence”, “foreign language communicative competence”, and “professional foreign language communication”. The professional foreign language competence of the specialist is regarded as a result of the integration of professional and foreign language communicative competence. The interrelation between the university graduate's general communicative competence and professional foreign language competence is scrutinized. The components of foreign language communicative competence of engineering students are analyzed. The structure of this competence is based on the analysis of requirements set for the graduates by the job market. Cognitive and operational-technological competences comprising the professional section of the specialized part of the social-professional foreign language competence of the trainee engineer are relevant to the special competences of the linguistic section staying in a dynamic interaction with them. The offered model was successfully tried out during the interconnected learning of engineering subjects and a foreign language at Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University.


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How to Cite
Snizhko, N., & Polyezhayev, Y. (2024). KEY FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF ENGINEERS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 65(4), 115-123.