The purpose of article’s study is to discover Logos phenomenon which is present in the nature of thinking using an empirical method in the value system of F. Mathews & G. Berkeley from the point of view of modern ethics, historical experience, modern psychology and culture of ecology. “Logos” is considered as a segment of the field of thinking, a certain event in the field of meaning.The meaning of “Logos” as an event in the ontology of F. Mathews is considered from a metaphysical point of view and acquires a special semantic value in the context of G. Berkeley philosophy. In the space-time continuum, “Logos” exists in a moving field of meanings and is opposed to “Nonthought.” In the course of history, the manifestation of “Logos” was absorbed by everyday life and mediocrity, but F. Mathews and G. Berkeley are trying to prevent the disappearance of “Logos” by creating an “Ecological Model of Thinking”, revealing perception from internal semantic structures towards natural phenomena. An ecological model of thinking can prevent the formation of a “perceptual dead zone” where human genius is devalued by self-centered mediocrity. The phenomenon of the integrity of the "Logos" is an ethical expression of intuitive perception.The causes and consequences of "ontological inertia" are also revealed.
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