Keywords: organisational learning, adaptability, learning cycle, lessons learned process, information sharing, NATO, Russo-Ukrainian War


The article provides a military-historical analysis of the evolution of organisational learning within the Ukrainian Armed Forces throughout the Russo-Ukrainian War (2014–present). It investigates the key changes in lessons learning and strategies applied to accelerate its cycle across three phases: Adjustment (2014–2018), Modernization (2019–2022), and Transformation (2022–present). The research utilized a combination of general scientific approaches and the historical-systematic method. To measure the efficiency and pace of the lessons learned process its mean duration was used focusing on analysing, deciding, and sharing phases while excluding highly variable implementation timelines. The findings indicate a significant improvement in the learning capability within the Ukrainian Armed Forces, demonstrated by a consistent reduction in the average duration of the learning cycle from nearly three months to approximately one month. Despite these advances, challenges persist, including the absence of a centralized Lessons Learned Portal, inconsistencies in analysis, and limited awareness of organisational learning among military personnel. Future research should aim to optimize further the lessons learned process to enhance the adaptability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to counter ongoing Russian aggression.


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How to Cite
Pashchuk, Y. (2024). ACCELERATING THE LEARNING WITHIN THE UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES (2014–2024): ADAPTING IN WAR. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 239-249.