The article is devoted to the peculiarities of conducting journalistic communication in modern Ukrainian cyberspace, in particular: models of interaction with the audience ("war chronicles" and "war emotions"), the functioning of war narratives in the media space and the interaction of leading online mass media with the readers in social networks. An attention is also paid to creating information cyberspace in times of war – specific media vocabulary related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The author provides recommendations on thorough approaches and methods of conducting journalistic communication in the сyberspace. It is argued that the communication space of Ukrainian online media, which is created in wartime conditions with the help of strategic narratives, is primarily an environment for the production of meaning for the new Ukrainian e-journalism. Its standards are being revised from the perspective of the so-called effectiveness of waging information warfare against the enemy, consolidating Ukrainians, and facilitating the transmission of wartime “infonoise” by the military and the civilian population.
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