Keywords: autopoiesis, Internet system, self – organization of communications


The beginning of the study of computer discourse was determined in the traditional categorical- instrumental set, therefore, a methodological leap is needed to enter a new round of understanding the situation. Appealing to interdisciplinary research makes it possible to involve the conceptual apparatus of mathematical and non-classical information theories and theories of complex systems. In our opinion, powerful heuristic potential has the concept of autopoiesisby N. Luhmann, which was, in turn, rethought by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. According to the mentioned researchers, the Internet is a self-organizing system that creates a description of itself, and every communication that takes place in it also creates a self-description. According to the theory of systems by N. Luhmann, the structures of the system, which are built from its own operations, are organized in a similar way. The concept of autopoiesis made it possible to understand and study the dynamic structure of network communities, and this has also allowed to reconsider the perception of communication in the network which is fundamentally different from communication in reality. Processes of self-organization of network communities and the functioning of social networks in this context is an absolutely unique phenomenon that leads social development and humanity, however, it hides certain risks and shortcomings that are still insufficiently explored and need in-depth analysis. In particular, these are the laws of functioning of networks and factors of their self-reproduction.


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2. Lavrenchuk, E. A. (2011), Autopoiezissotcialnykhsetei v internet-prostranstve [Autopoiesis of social networks in the Internet space], PhD diss. (philosoph. sci.), Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), 186 p. [in Russian]
3. Luhmann, N. (1993), Grundrisse der allgemeiner Sozialtheorie, Munchen, Beck-Verlag.
4. Luhmann, N. (2007), Sotcialnye sistemy: Ocherk obshchei teorii. [Social systems: an outline of general theory], St. Petersburg, Nauka, 648 p. [in Russian]
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6. Maturana, U., Varela F. (2001), Drevo poznaniia [Tree of knowledge], translated by Danilova, Iu.A., M., Progress-Traditciia. [in Russian]

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How to Cite
Sukharevska, H. (2021). HEURISTIC POTENTIAL OF LUHMANN’S THEORY OF AUTOPOIESIS IN SOCIAL NETWORKS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 44(1), 221-225. https://doi.org/10.23856/4426