Keywords: consumer, logistic service, express delivery, postal and courier activity, tools of market positioning, marketing strategy of positioning of the logistic enterprise


The article analyzes the tendencies of development of the Ukrainian market of logistic services, in particular the segment of postal logistics, courier activity and express delivery. As a result of the study, a number of factors that have the most significant impact on the activities of domestic and foreign logistic operators in the Ukrainian market of logistics services were identified and analyzed. In the article the positioning tools of the leading operators of postal logistics and express delivery in the minds of the consumer of logistic services are structured. The proposed approach allowed to identify key competitive advantages and develop a marketing strategy for positioning of postal and logistic operators in the Ukrainian logistics market


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How to Cite
Sahaidak, M., Zavyalova, M., & Kotane, I. (2017). MARKETING STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISE POSITIONING IN THE MARKET OF LOGISTIC SERVICES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 24(5), 107-120.