Keywords: evaluation; evaluative utterance; context; micrcontex; macrocontext; signals-indicators.


The article is focused on the problem of the interconnection of the context and the evaluative utterance. Evaluation of different world’s fragments is, of course, a considerable part of human cognitive activity. Special attention is paid to signals-indicators, which can be linguistic and extralinguistic in nature. The present paper highlights the actualization of evaluative utterance in micrcontext, and macrocontexts of the minimum, average and maximum size. In the process of realization of the evaluative utterance within the frame of micrcontext, the linguistic context is based on signals-indicators, while the structure of the stylistic context consists of various semasiological and syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices. While updating the evaluation in macrocontexts of the minimum and average size, the linguistic context is frequently mixed, and the configuration of the stylistic context in most cases includes different semasiological and syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices; but the macrocontext of the maximum size is linguistic, and the stylistic context is only its background part. The results obtained confirm the idea that the correlation between the evaluative utterance and context helps to understand encoded in the evaluative utterances presuppositions of the communication that is the speaker's communicative intentions associated with his epistemic state.


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How to Cite
Prihodko, G., Prykhodchenko, O., & Galaidin, A. (2019). REALIZATION OF EVALUATIVE UTTERANCE IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONTEXT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 32(1), 68-76.