The presented paper highlights the results of a study of the usage of different expressive means and stylistic devices for the description of Brexit as a political phenomenon in English newspaper texts. Our analysis has proved that a political discourse proliferates with the language means, which clearly realize opposition FOR – AGAINST Brexit. It has been proved that stylistic means employed in the media are determined by the conditions of communication. If the desire of the speaker is to rouse the audience and to keep it in suspense, he will use various tropes and figures of speech. Furthermore, stylistic means are closely interwoven and mutually complementary thus building up an intricate pattern. It is stressed that the sign of evaluation in the media may be conditioned by various sociocultural factors, among which are the specifics of the sociocultural space, type of publication, genre specificity of the text, individual features of communicants’ worldview. Accounting for these factors, contributes not only to a deep study of the stylistic phenomena, but also to effective communication and the creation of balanced journalistic texts, which, in its turn, will determine information and psychological comfort in society.
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