The transition to alternative energy sources requires a long period, attracting significant investments in the process of creating and developing environmentally friendly fuels. Creating an environmentally safe, energy-efficient economy is a prerequisite for sustainable development of each country. The above-mentioned factors determine the relevance of the study of the problems of the functioning and development of energy, which is mainly due to the economic expediency of renewable energy and the requirements of the country's energy independence. The objective of the article is to determine the features of ensuring the energy efficiency of the Ukrainian economy using alternative energy sources. Research shows that the development of alternative energy will allow us to move away from the use of traditional fuels and create the prerequisites for the energy independence of countries. Taking into account the natural factors and the significant dependence of Ukraine on imported primary energy sources, it is determined that solving the problem of increasing energy efficiency of the economy is possible only with the stimulation of the use of alternative energy sources. The most promising sources of energy are identified, namely: biofuels, wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, solar thermal, controlled thermonuclear fusion, energy of tides and effluents. The recommendations for realization of such directions of the policy of the state regulation in the energy sphere as energy security, energy efficiency, energy saving are given.
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