A STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Feitoria Prime Market Model – The Competitiveness Concept: MFN Tariff The bilateral trade opportunities Portugal – Poland and Portugal – Ukraine

Keywords: Feitoria Model, Comparative Advantages, Index of Complementarity (IC), Index of Effectiveness Commerce (EC).


The paper presents an upgrade of the strategic management model for economic development, the Feitoria Prime Market Model (Feitoria Model), developed by Botelho & Kulishov (2018) which has an innovation: the incorporation of the concept of competitiveness of products in markets, the Most-Favored Nation Tariff (MFN Tariff). The Feitoria Model identifies new markets for companies to increase the number of markets to place their product portfolio. Feitoria Model is based on the comparative advantage concept of Ricardo (1817) and incorporates economic and political dimensions in order to avoid unstable economies and the MFN tariff in order to compare the competitiveness of products in multiple markets. The study presents the bilateral trade opportunities, Portugal – Poland and Portugal – Ukraine. The methodology presented below is configured confronting the potential trade to effectively verified among the countries and uses a trade database 2013 – 2017 period extracted from the UN COMTRADE free database.


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How to Cite
Botelho, J. M. M., & Kulishov, V. (2019). A STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Feitoria Prime Market Model – The Competitiveness Concept: MFN Tariff The bilateral trade opportunities Portugal – Poland and Portugal – Ukraine. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 33(2), 56-67. https://doi.org/10.23856/3306