Keywords: water hardness, mountainous areas, mineral composition, hydrochemical parameters.


Studied the issues of the water quality suitable for consumption in some mountainous regions of Lviv region, in particular in Skolivsky, Turkivsky, and Starosambirsky districts. The obtained results based on the main hydrochemical indicators show the water quality meets the requirements for the degree of pollution of the hygienic classification of water objects. The conditions for the habitat of hydrobionts and terrestrial biota are normal. Most water samples have a weakly alkaline reaction, indicating a possible high content of hydrocarbonates. Concerning the hardness, all studied samples are soft and medium hard water types. The value of total alkalinity of water samples ranges from 1.8 to 6.1 mmol/m3, which corresponds to the physiological integrity of the composition of drinking water. Sulphate ions and chloride ions are present in almost all natural waters, their content is mainly due to chemical weathering with sedimentary rocks during oxidation of sulfides, dissolution of sulfur-containing and chlorine-containing minerals.It has been investigated the sequence between hardness of water and non-infectious diseases in the studied regions. Constant consumption of such water may cause a danger to the population suffering from cardiovascular disease, blood congestion, myocardial infarction.


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How to Cite
Stadnichuk, O., Kropyvnytska, L., Kucher, L., Martyniuk, I., & Platonov, M. (2019). THE IMPACT OF THE MINERAL WATER COMPOSITION ON THE POPULATION HEALTH. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 34(3), 91-97.

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