The problems of drinking water quality have been considered in some settlements of the Turkivskiy district of Lviv region, in particular concerning the content of Nitrogen compounds. 20 sources of decentralized water supply were investigated. It was found that the main hydrochemical indicators of water samples mainly met the requirements for the degree of contamination of hygienic classification of water bodies. At the same time, analyzing the samples for the presence of nitrogen compounds, it was found that in the tested samples: the content of nitrate ions fluctuated within 0,02 - 016 mg/dm3 (average annual values did not exceed the permissible value); the content of ammonium ions is in the range of 0.5-2.8 mg/dm3, which did not significantly exceed the maximum permissible value. At the time, analysis for NO3- showed an excess of acceptable values in almost all samples by 1.3 у 4.2 times. It was found that the amount of nitrates decreased with the transition from the alluvial aquifers to the indigenous ones, where the average content was 108.9 mg/dm3 and 86.8 mg/dm3, respectively. This is probably due to better protection of the bedrock from surface contamination, greater capacity of the corresponding aquifers and their deeper occurrence. According to the average value of the water pollution index for the nitrate group, the studied objects of decentralized water supply belong to the second class ‒ moderately contaminated. The correlation between the water pollution index by nitrate group and the population morbidity is calculated to be direct and sufficiently high (0.73). The most associated indicators of water quality are diseases of the circulatory system, blood and hematopoietic organs, digestive organs, endocrine and urogenital systems.
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