The article deals with the analysis of the existing methods of investigating the antioxidant activity of plants’ origin and the expediency of measuring oxidation-reduction potential for this purpose.The integral AOA of alcohol extracts Urtica dioica, Trifolium pretense, Chelidonium majus, Hippophae rhamnoides has been determined by potentiometric method using the mediator system. It was established that the leaves of sea – buckthorn are characterised by the highest antioxidant activity (2.05 ± 0.1 mg AA / ml). The АОА of plants Urtica dioica, Chelidonium majus, that were growing along the transport zone is higher by 23,1-27,9% comparing with the plants collected from environmentally friendly area. It was found out that the plants of Hippophae rhamnoides L. coriander were adapted to oil pollution, as evidenced by the absence of a significant difference between AOA of plants collected from environmentally friendly area comparing with the plants that were growing on the soil polluted with petroleum products.
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