Keywords: hand hygiene, multimodal strategy, compliance, alcohol-based hand rub consumption, healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance.


Hand hygiene is considered to be the most simple, effective and economic measure to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance. Based on the study, application of the World Health Organization’s Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy can improve hand hygiene compliance in hospital settings and reduce these infections. Trnava University Hospital was included to World Health Organization (WHO) launched a worldwide campaign focused on hand hygiene in 2013, when infection control specialist has started working on daily basis. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of implementing the Multimodal Hand Hygiene Strategy according to WHO. We assessed alcohol-based hand rub consumption during the period 2013 and 2018 and hand hygiene compliance in 2018 as a baseline. During observed period alcohol-based hand rub consumptions significantly increased from 15.7 L/1000 patient days to 24.3 L/1000 patient days (p<0.05). Overall compliance as per WHO guidelines were 38.9%.


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How to Cite
Prnová, J., Brňová, J., & Rusnáková, V. (2020). IMPLEMENTATION OF WHO HAND HYGIENE IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY IN TRNAVA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, SLOVAKIA . Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 37(6), 99-106.