Keywords: mental health, legal aspects, psychiatric intervention, Patient's Rights Ombudsman, therapeutic-diagnostic contact


 The purpose of this article is to discuss the legal aspects applicable in emergency psychiatric intervention. Therefore, inter alia, the provisions of the act on the protection of mental health (dated August 19, 1994) and the act on the rights of the patient and the Patient's Rights Ombudsman (6 November 2008) are recalled in this article. In addition, examples of the emergency states in which psychiatric interventions may take place are given in this paper. Moreover, the importance of the therapeutic-diagnostic contact with the patient with psychopathological disorders is taken into account. The article highlights the need for the knowledge of the aforementioned legal aspects since, in many cases, it can protect the life of the patient or the life of medical staff.


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How to Cite
Mizerska, K., Kosior-Lara, A., & Rusnáková, V. (2017). LEGAL ASPECTS OF EMERGENCY PSYCHIATRIC INTERVENTION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 25(6), 126-133.

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