This paper studies linguistic devices used by the authors of English and Ukrainian economic media texts to reveal their opinion and give attitudinal assessment to the state of affairs in the sphere of economy. It is well-known that the main function of mass media is to communicate different viewpoints, but the ways and linguistic devices used to this purpose can significantly differ depending on the target audience. Business and economic journalism is quite young in Ukraine, and the recipients are not as demanding as the readers in English-speaking countries. Thus, there exist certain differences in presenting economic data and news in the compared languages. The research is based on the corpus of 50 articles from The Economist, Business Week and The Guardian in English and Interfax-Ukraine, NV (Novoe vremya), Obozrevatel and Unian in Ukrainian, where economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic are described. It is proved that expressing attitude is inevitably connected with the pragmatic aim to influence the reader’s perception of economic news and coax them to the author’s point of view.
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