The aim of this paper is to substantiate the effective combination of methodological approaches in the organization of the educational process of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences in the context of the formation of their ecological competency. It is proved that the combination of several methodological approaches (competence, system, personality- oriented, activity, technological, contextual, reflective and coevolutionary-noosphere) on the principle of synergetic interaction will ensure the effectiveness of their combined pedagogical influence in training and is a methodological basis for determining the content, forms, tools and technologies forming of ecological competency of future teachers. It is established that the main role among the mentioned methodological approaches to the organization of the educational process of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences is given to the competence approach. The introduction of a competency-based approach to the practice of higher pedagogical education makes it possible to achieve a number of educational goals. Methodological bases (ontological, epistemological, axiological, praxeological), as well as general and partial pedagogical regularities of competence-oriented education in the process of professional training are determined. They are ensure the effectiveness of the formation of ecological competency of future teachers of natural sciences.
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