The aim of this paper is to substantiate the approaches to modeling the pedagogical system of formation of ecological competencу of future teachers of natural sciences in the process of professional training in higher education. The essence of the terminological apparatus of the researched problem is analyzed and the pedagogical concept of research is offered. The content and structure of the conceptual model of formation of ecological competencу of future teachers of natural sciences are determined. The structure of the model includes the following interconnected component blocks: conceptual-methodological, theoretical-contents, organizational- procedural, diagnostic-evaluation. The conceptual and methodological block contains methodological principles and approaches to the formation of ecological competencу of future teachers of natural sciences, pedagogical patterns and a system of principles of organization of the educational process aimed at achieving this goal. The theoretical-contents block of the model represents the components of the content of the educational process of ecological training of future teachers of natural sciences, which have a psychological and pedagogical influence on the formation of structural components of ecological competencу of the individual. The organizational-procedural block includes components that directly reflect the interconnected forms, means and technologies of realization of the content of the educational process aimed at the formation of ecological competencу of future teachers of natural sciences. Diagnostic and evaluation unit is represented by diagnostic tools and methods of its application, as well as reflects the criteria, indicators and levels by which the assessment of the state of formation of ecological competencу of future teachers of natural sciences.
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