In the second half of the twentieth century, the debate intensified that the excessive rationalism of modernism in fact doomed political science to forced self-isolation, the utopian search for root causes, clear interdisciplinary boundaries that would become “monotheistic social orientations.” Once again there is a controversy about the destructive role of rationalism in political theory and practice, the universalization of common ideals. This article considers the phenomenon of postmodernism. As well as the comprehension the nature of the political from the standpoint of different types of political rationality and the main vectors of its development in postmodern political thought. Proponents of the postmodern approach believe that the ideal of total rationality does not correspond to the spirit of humanism, the absolutization of rationalism brings with it the dehumanization of the individual, is a source of global dangers, risks, threats to humanity. From the point of view of postmodernism in the modern era there was no awareness of the absence of structure, and therefore it is permeated with the ideals of general structural organization, the spirit of rationalism, rationalist criticism, the search for common ground, doubt, the atmosphere of resistance.
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