The ultimate goal of political and military engagements of Joseph Pilsudski was reviving the sovereign Polish Republic, which has not existed politically for 123 years. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the future Head of State was confident that soon will break out in Europe an “universal war”, which will create favorable political situation for the cause of Poland buried by European diplomats in 1871, with the defeat of France in the war with Prussia which changed the balance of power on the Old Continent. He believed that a necessary condition for the use of this situation is the presence of Polish soldiers on the battlefields. Only then if the Poles will possess viable armed force their voice will be heard. Pilsudski insisted that armed struggle must be realistic. In planning purposes, one should not settle unrealistic aims or introduce forms of struggle inadequate to the forces and capabilities of the insurgent army. An armed uprising will have to face the enormous technical and numerical predominance of the enemy. According to J. Pilsudski there is only one external factor which can contribute to the defeat of tsar, otherwise a victorious struggle with Moscow would be impossible. This external factor is a war, which will reveal the weakness of the Russian state and undermine its foundations. This will be a favorable circumstance for regaining country’s independence. It will work, however, as long as the fight will be prepared in advance, and the uprising (revolution) will be commanded by trained staff. Joseph Pilsudski’s plan included military, politycal and economic joint action of the whole Polish sociiety; the aim was one: to restore independet Polish Republic.References
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Rozkaz ogólny do organizacji ludowych (22 XII 1913), tamże, t. III.
Przemówienie w dniu pierwszego posiedzenia kapituły Virtuti Militari (22 stycznia 1920 r.), tamże, t. V.
Przemówienie na Komisji budżetowej Senatu (28 lutego 1929 r.), tamże, t. IX.
Przemówienie w Grodnie (11 lutego 1923 r.), tamże., t. X.
Przemówienie do oficerów, składających Piłsudskiemu hołd w siódmą rocznicę jego powrotu z Magdeburga (15 listopada 1925 r.), tamże, t. VIII.
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Rozkaz z powodu boju pod Konarami (5 czerwca 1915 r.), tamże, t. IV.
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Przemówienie z okazji Święta Żołnierza (12 sierpnia 1919 r.), tamże, t. V.
Trybuna 1906, nr 1, s. 12-20.
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