Keywords: future military pilot, professional training, combat flight, simulation study in pedagogy, simulation pedagogical model, higher education military institution


The purpose of the article is to present to the scientific community the principles of the author's theoretical model of training of future pilots for combat flights. As a new direction in military pedagogy, the process is believed to be significant for training of future military pilots in the practice of higher education military institutions in Ukraine. Its pedagogical simulation was conducted for the first time. The author's model is believed to be peculiar because it considers the military education specifics and clear orientation on professional combat engagement of military aviation specialists. Components of the author's model are described herein, and its schematic graph is offered for clarity. Gaps and inconsistencies in the training of future military pilots between actual requirements for modern military specialists, the theory and practice of this process are specified. Since the simulation study of the issue is conducted for the first time, the author points that the proposed model is to be specified and adjusted, and theoretical provisions and preliminary conclusions to be experimentally verified. The research was conducted for the doctoral thesis at the two leading higher education aviation institutions in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Nevzorov, R. (2020). THEORETICAL MODEL OF PREPARATION OF FUTURE MILITARY PILOTS FOR COMBAT FLIGHTS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-2), 164-168.