The work is dedicated to the problem of professional readiness of future military pilots as an indicator of high-quality higher education in the field of military aviation under the conditions of increased intellectual, physical, psychological and psychophysiological requirements to pilots of modern tactical aviation. The author’s approach to the scope and structure of the specified professional readiness is revealed and substantiated. The basic components of its structure are defined as cognitive, activity, operational, motivational-volitional, physical and psychophysiological. The importance and significance of the motivational and volitional components as a special integral psychological complex of the personality, which actualizes the implementation of professional activity and largely determines its productivity, has been reasonably justified. Furthermore, its consideration as a planned pedagogical goal within the educational process of future military pilots is substantiated, which necessitates its pedagogical evaluation. With the aim of the latter, the author has elaborated an appropriate criterion apparatus (axiological criterion, its indicators and levels) and developed a comprehensive method of pedagogical evaluation (based on existing diagnostic methods by K. Zamfir (in modification of A. Rean) to assess motivational indicator and by N. Stambulova to evaluate emotional and volitional indicators of the specified criterion. The results of the author’s experimental measurement are presented. The obtained empirical data indicate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed approach.
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