Presentation of religious silhouette of man is not a simple matter, because we touch the sphere of the unique relationship of man to God. It is impossible to penetrate to the end the mystery of the soul. Also Joseph Pilsudski took his mystery to the tomb in the crypt of Wawel Cathedral. We can only remain in the realm of the known facts, and the whole essence of the problem, leaving Providence and Her mercy. He appealed to the mercy of God himself in one of the most poignant Polish army orders issued before the dramatic battles of May 1926 years. Marshal Pilsudski came from a Catholic family, and the family formed the grounds of his philosophy of life. He carried with him the cult of motherhood and a deep respect for his mother. It was his will, that his heart would be buried in the grave of his mother at the Vilnius Rossa cemetery. On the marble slab one can read: Mother and her son's heart. Pilsudski affiliation to the Catholic Church was not generally questioned and it was only in the seventies that dispute flared up following the disclosure of some unknown documents - published evidence of belonging of Joseph Pilsudski to the Evangelical community. Today we know the circumstances in which this “conversion” occurred. May 24, 1899 r. in Lomza in the face of pastor Mikulski; 31-year-old Joseph Pilsudski made a profession of Evangelical-Lutheran faith. The reason for this was a marriage that soon (15 July 1899.) was concluded with Maria Kazimiera from Koplewski Juszkiewicz. Because Mary was divorced, they could not marry in the Catholic Church. Pilsudski returned to the bosom of the Catholic Church by making profession of faith after the death of his first wife. Impressive funeral of Marshal Piłsudski was not only a funeral of great fighter for country independence, the victorious commander-in-chief of Warsaw Battle and a famous statesman, but also the funeral of a member of the Catholic Church, confidently entrusting himself to God’s merciful majesty.References
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