Keywords: linguistic experiment, word combination, land use specialist’s terms, special features, basic word roots


The relevance of the article is in introduction of the results of experimental linguistic studies concerning professional land manager’s basic vocabulary morphemes nesting on practice. The purpose of the article is to describe the experiment of involving the statistic word-building nests analysis into communicative practice while studying professionally oriented English to improve soft foreign language communicative skills of future land managers. The conclusion of the study is that land manager’s special vocabulary is characterized by some morphemes nesting to be selected by students themselves for the shortening of the term list for further dialogues within the positive linguistic studies experiment. The basic morphemes (without morpheme land-) include such representatives as adjust-, aer-, altitude-, area-, boni-, cadastr-, cartograph-, cost-, determination-, direction-, earth/Earth-, field-, fix-, geo-, grid-, lease-, level-, locat-, longitude-, map-, measure-, mone-, position-, photo-, relief-, soil-, survey-, terrain-, topograph-, work. The most spread types of land manager’s vocabulary concerning basic morphemes are attribute-noun two components word combinations, noun-noun two components word combination and attribute-noun three-four component word combinations. Besides, the most spread basic morphemes within land manager’s vocabulary are map-, geo-, soil-, measure- and direction-. The prospects of the research is the additional detailed characteristics of the morpheme land- as the most important for land manager’s professional vocabulary morpheme for communicative purposes.


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How to Cite
Yakushko, K. (2020). THE ANALYSIS OF THE BASIC LAND MANAGER’S VOCABULARY NESTING MORPHEMES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-2), 234-240.