• Krzysztof Filipow University of Bialystok, Institute of History and Political Science


Life of the Marshal Joseph Pilsudski from his early years was associated with Vilnius – the capital of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Vilnius – his native soil. He was born in Zułow, a short distance from Vilnius and in Vilnius, as a young boy, he attended school. He lived there and later on, while living in Warsaw, visited the city many times, so when he fought for a free Poland before regaining her independence, as well as at the period of the sovereign Polish Republic. It was his will that his heart might be laid in his mother’s grave at the Vilnius cemetery – Rossa: mother and her son's heart. Ties of the Head of State with Vilnius were reflected in an atmosphere of family life, at school, while visiting beloved city, its military conquests and finally the wish to leave his heart to the Vilnius soil with the remains of his beloved mother. Marshal was the son of Lithuania and a great Polish patriot. For the homeland he probably has done more than anybody else.


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How to Cite
Filipow, K. (2015). CZESTOCHOWSKA OR OSTROBRAMSKA VIRGIN MARY… PILSUDSKI’S BOND WITH "THE LOVELY CITY". Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 13(2), 91-112.