The article analyzes the structural and semantic features of proper nouns in modern works for children. The analyzed nouns are characterized by a broad representation of common vocabulary, allusiveness, internal semantics. Frequent use of nouns approached in the Ukrainian language, transparent motivation of the word, evaluation, expressed in the semantics of creative bases, use of precedent vocabulary, extremely limited process of re-categorization of tokens, etc. All given proper names thematically either duplicate those present in the child's environment, or are occasionally used tokens with transparent intrinsic motivation. Often anthroponyms and toponyms of the second group have also evaluative features in order to position the character of the work as good or bad. The proper name in the work for a child is sometimes formed according to the models available in the Ukrainian language. An anthroponym can be the name of a social role performed by a person, or the generic name of a creature in the sense of its own name. Sometimes the inconsistency of stereotypes about the creature to the purpose of the character with this name represents a conflict of the work. Those that exist in the usage can be represented as loanword, adapted through the process of calque, or as loanwords, which can be explained by the global trend towards globalization and the popularity of other languages, including English, among the Ukrainian-speaking population. The tendency to globalization is illustrated in the numerous occasionally used tokens that the authors create with the help of foreign morphs.
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